
Showing posts from August, 2024

Great Power leads, inexorably, to decline.

I finished reading "Tablets Shattered: The End of an American Jewish Century and the Future of Jewish Life" by Joshua Leifer. The author traces the decline of Jewish culture in America. I wanted to read this book to learn more about this and, perhaps, gain greater understanding of the Israeli occupation and continual killing and destruction in Gaza. If the subject interests you, I highly recommend reading this book. As I've read, I realized what I consider to be some distinct parallels between what is happening to the Palestinian people in the West Bank, and what is happening in the United States. Here are my thoughts. And, before reading any further, I don't claim to be a historian or a philosopher. I'm just someone concerned about ongoing political instability in the Middle East, especially concerning the treatment of Palestinians by Israel, and the rise of anti-democratic governing principles in the United States, all in the name of so-called morality, which, I

Why I have chosen to leave Evangelical Christianity and embrace Christ-centered Quakerism.

I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior forty-eight years ago. Since then, I have followed Jesus and have tried to live by the principles he set forth in Scripture and to do as he would have me do. Of course, I have been far from perfect at this, but each new day has given me an opportunity to renew my commitment to Christ. Through the years, I have been blessed to have people of several faiths    and spiritual viewpoints in my life, and I have people in my life with no belief in God, as well. I have never limited friendships to like-minded individuals because I love diversity of faith, thought, action and lifestyle. Like most of us, I've had some definite ups and downs in my spiritual walk, but thankfully, I've never experienced a major faith crisis or a period of time when I doubted the existence of God or Christ; and even though I didn't always agree completely with positions taken by some of my Christian brothers and sisters, I always prayed about issues and event