
Welcome to another blogging attempt. As those of you who follow me on social media know, i've attempted blogging before, and have given up on the effort, mostly because I'm inconsistent about taking the time and committing to writing posts on a regular basis. I also haven't taken the time to make blog posts pretty and esthetically appealing, so readers will not find a beautifully laid out blog here. I'm writing this in the simplest way possible, using the Notes app on my iPhone.

What I plan to post are comments about books and what I'm reading. Since reading is what I love to do, it's what I spend the most time doing. I also plan to post about political and societal trends and comment on the good and the bad, in both. I am a follower of Jesus, and am liberal about my Christian views, as well as my political ones, so if you're offended by support for the LGBTQ community, gay rights, women's rights, civil rights, voting rights and the idea that the purpose of government is to serve its citizens, you should probably close this page right now, for your own mental health. I am very straight forward, outspoken, and emphatic about social justice, nondiscrimination, affirmative action, bodily autonomy and a woman's right to choose and the need for all kinds of affordable things including housing, a guaranteed income, and universal healthcare, as well as free and equal public education. I believe strongly in the separation of church and state and religious freedom, and have absolutely no patience for racist or bigoted comments or views, so, for that reason, I have disabled comments on this blog. The views expressed here are strictly my own.

If the above has not caused you to close the page already, welcome to the journey!

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