The party of gopers and gropers!

Senate Republicans block bill to protect Americans' access to contraception. These GOPERS are on a roll, don't ya know? In my opinion, they really want to throw women back into the 19th century, or even further back than that, if possible.

The Senate vote on the Right To Contraception Act was 51-39, falling short of the 60 votes needed to defeat a filibuster. Republicans said the bill is unnecessary as the use of birth control is already protected under Supreme Court precedent.

I believe this to be a lie. Many felt the right to abortion was also protected by SCOTUS precedent, and we all know what happened there, and what has happened in many red states, due to overzealous actions of Republican controlled state Legislatures seeking to control a woman's right to choose, and also allowing insurance companies to decline to pay for contraceptives.

People who fail to see this trend in red states, I feel, are complicit in this effort, and should quickly turn their consciences back on and consider the rights of women to retain their bodily autonomy.

This is a slippery slope, as I believe Most political and religious conservatives are aware. They only hope that most ordinary citizens will continue to be complacent and blissfully unaware until it's too late, and women are thrust back into the dark ages where we are once again the property of men, and controlled and ruled over by men.

Lest you think I'm exaggerating, I invite you to look back over the past eight years since the emergence of conservative and religious political power by Donald Trump and his ilk, and realize that women are less protected by SCOTUS rulings, today, than they have been since January 22, 1973.

I have my own name for the Grand Old Party. I think of them as the party of gopers and gropers. All one has to do is look at their presumptive presidential nominee and his status as a convicted felon. Apparently good character and the lack of a criminal record is no longer a prerequisite or a consideration there. Isn't that about as low as you can go, scraping the bottom of the barrel?

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