currently Rereading: "Dawn on a Distant Shore" by Sara Donati.

Those of you who follow me on social media well know about my propensity for rereading favorite books. In fact, I keep an entire folder of what I call comfort books, favorites that I reread quite often, when I need to relax and enjoy something familiar. A book reread, for me, is like visiting with an old and dear friend. At times, I struggle not to get caught up in rereads to the point where I fail to read new books. This year, I've done pretty well in that area. I've nearly completed my Goodreads reading challenge of 100 books, and I never count rereads in that challenge.

right now, one of the books I am revisiting is the second book in Sara Donati's Wilderness series. If you have not read a book by this author or have not read the books in this series, I encourage you to do so.

I read the first two books in the series quite a while back, and decided to revisit them both, before continuing on to book 3. I'm so glad I did because I'd forgotten much about the characters and their lives. That renewing of character relationships is another reason I love rereads. When I finish rereading "Dawn on a Distant Shore," I will be ready to continue on in the series.

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