Migrants are not locusts or mosquitos to be swatted away.

Though I shouldn't be, I'm continually astounded by my state's lack of support for migrants, especially families and children of undocumented individuals. I'm sure the same goes for most red states. These are human beings, people, but many in law enforcement and Legislators disregard this, and look upon them more as locusts or swarms of mosquitos to be swatted away without a care, in my opinion.

I think it is unconscionable to "round up" and deport undocumented individuals without regard to the conditions they will be returned to, as a result of oppressive governments which deny their own citizens basic human rights. In my view, returning these people to such environments is often a deliberate and voluntary contribution to their death, or the death or imprisonment of family members, all because those individuals seek a better life in the United States.

The argument, offered by most conservative politicians, is always state's rights, state's choice. That goes for almost any situation from immigration to a woman's right to bodily autonomy. Oh, such actions are usually clothed in language that tends to make one think it's a fair and inclusive process. But, in my view, the result is almost always the opposite. Exclusion and unconcern are the watchwords. Family separation is the result. Deprivation and death are often the proximate result.

This is not to say that I believe in totally open migration from country to country. I certainly do not. There must be processes and procedures in place for asylum seekers, as there are. But I think the emphasis should be on acceptance rather than exclusion, and those in control at points of entry should be mandated to apply immigration policies fairly to all, not based on their personal beliefs if they are racist or in opposition to the spirit of immigration and inclusion.

People like former President Trump are excluders. Remember his controversial reference to "shit hole" countries? How much more insulting can you get? And this while he was President of the United States. Not only is such an attitude and characterization insulting and disrespectful, but one doesn't have to look far to find underlying intolerance and racism in play.

On May 29, 2024,  the U.S. House Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement held a hearing, organized by Republicans, which Democrats did not attend, suggesting that the hearing was organized purely for political purposes, and referring to it as a "stunt."

Testimony highlighted grievances with a lack of Border Patrol personnel, but in reading a feature article about the hearing, I immediately wondered if these complaints had an underlying subtext of dislike or more serious negative subjective attitudes toward immigrants fleeing oppressive regimes.. This hearing was held in my state, and my state accepts very few migrants, especially compared to blue states. There is no sanctuary here, in so far as I can see. I did not attend this hearing, but in a similar public meeting held a few years ago in my city, the hostility toward migrants was palpable and pervasive, so I can only assume it was likely the same tone and subtext rearing up again at Wednesday's hearing. This is most disappointing and concerning.

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