A needless killing ground?

I have always thought US support for Israel is mostly a good thing, and that Israelis were mostly acting rightly to defend themselves.

Since October, 2023, there has been so much killing and destruction. The more I learn about it, the more I feel a whole people are being destroyed by the IDF, and from where I sit in my safe neighborhood, thousands of miles away from the war, I wonder if this is all really necessary?

Israel has always had to worry about attacks, since its creation, and so it was with the  attack and hostage taking, last year. Initially, I felt the response was somewhat necessary, but now, I question the need for continued aggression against the Palestinian people. Israel is superior militarily. How much beating a people into the ground is required when nearly an entire generation is being systematically destroyed? Where is the humanitarian concern here? To a large extent, I feel it seems to be missing. Killing terrorists is one thing, but thousands and thousands of civilians? And I do know it's complicated because terrorists hide among civilians. But where does this end? How much is too much? Something needs to happen to stop this killing and destruction. I feel enough is enough.

I don't have the answers. I'm no expert. That doesn't mean a solution to the end of this conflict can't be found. One thing I've been in favor of is a Palestinian state. I feel it's been needed for a long time. To me, this conflict has gone beyond protecting territory. It's become a needless killing ground.

I still stand with Israel and support Israel as a nation, and support Israel's right to defend itself. That said, a resolution to this conflict is needed now.

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