Betrayal bySCOTUS justices.

Voting 6-3, the US Supreme Court ruled that Donald Trump has some immunity from criminal charges for trying to reverse the 2020 election results, all but ensuring that a trial won’t happen before the November election.

Basically, The SCOTUS ruled former presidents retain significant immunity from prosecution for acts taken while in office. Of course, this ruling complicates efforts to prosecute Donald Trump.

Realistically, I'm pretty certain he will not go to trial on the pending criminal charges he is facing before the 2024 election, and perhaps not at all. His SCOTUS appointees are definitely rewarding him for criminal behavior, in my view.

If elected President for a second term, I'm certain he will feel free to continue to evade the rule of law, as he managed to do in his first term. So the best hope the American people have is to use the power of the vote to make sure he is not elected President a second time.

Unfortunately, I'm beginning to understand, firsthand, how the people of Germany who still had respect for the rule of law must have felt to see it all slipping away. The parallels between the 1930s in Germany and present-day United States are quite similar when it comes to a breakdown of the rule of law. When we have a United States Senate who refused to convict Donald Trump during impeachment proceedings, and some members of the house of Representatives who openly wanted to overturn lawful election results, and now a SCOTUS deciding the President has certain immunity from prosecution for his conduct. Let's please not forget this man, Donald J. Trump, has been convicted of 34 felonies, by a jury of his peers, in a Court of law. Yet, the Republican party is still poised to choose him as their candidate for another term as President of the United States, even though he is a lawfully convicted criminal, and has other criminal trials pending. So, unless Republican voters choose not to vote for him, it's quite possible, for the first time in our history, we could have a convicted criminal serving as President of the United States. Are Trump supporters so lost, they're willing to elect a convicted criminal? Perhaps so. It's up to Democrats and Independents to put a stop to this while it can still be stopped, while the people still have the power to vote and stop it.

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