Possible blue skies ahead for democracy.

it is so uplifting to see the glimmer of hope and possible blue skies ahead for democracy. Nothing is definite, and a lot can go wrong between now and November 5, 2024, but a lot can go right too.

I am very sorry for President Biden, and my heart breaks for him. He's given over five decades of service to his state and his country, and my guess is, he feels betrayed and forced out. That makes me sad. But the silver lining is, Kamala Harris seems to be waking America up to the real and pervasive threat posed by the GOP, Donald Trump and autocracy. For that I am grateful.

For the first time in months, I am hopeful that voters may vote blue in numbers sufficient to save democracy in this country, and scuttle the GOP's Project 2025 agenda, and sink it for ever into the depths of bad policy choices.

People seem to be waking up and realizing that voter apathy and complacency is a short road to autocracy and dictatorship, and with the major increases we're seeing in voter registration, young people are stepping up to the challenge to keep our future strong and bright. This is thrilling, and I am so proud of every single person who has never voted or who hasn't voted in years, now registering to vote.

There is so much that needs to be done to restore rights denied by the United States Supreme Court and a GOP controlled system, but we're on the road now, I can feel it.

All we have to do is stay focused on the goal of supporting and electing candidates for local, state and national office who want to preserve freedom and democracy.

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