Cults, the basics.

In yesterday's blog post, I used the word "cult," repeatedly, in relation to DJT and his followers. So, today, I thought I'd follow it up with the basic characteristics of a cult, so you can decide, for yourself, if these characteristics fit DJT and his followers.

Cults are characterized by several distinct features.

1. Charismatic Leadership: Cults often revolve around a charismatic leader who demands unquestioning loyalty and is considered infallible.

To his followers, which include most Republicans, in my view, DJT has something that captivates them. Charm? charisma? That must be it. I'm not a follower, so I don't think he possesses either one, but that's a matter of personal opinion. What DJT's followers say is he is infallible. Nothing he says--lies, half truths, alternative facts, and proof to the contrary fails to move them. They continue to follow him.

As for absolute loyalty, there's no question that he demands it. We saw this, often, during his four years as President. Those who disagreed with his ideology and edicts were punished, fired, thrown out of the cult. If they left, they were vilified.

 This is why, today, many Republicans refuse to speak out about DJT. They don't want to be thrown out of the GOP or be vilified.

2. Ideological Control. Members are discouraged from questioning the group's beliefs, and dissent is punished.

Is there any question that Anyone leaving DJT's orbit, no matter the circumstances, is punished? Look at how he criticizes anyone who dares to defy him. That includes staff, former members of his Cabinet, and even GOP members of Congress. Basically anyone who refuses to talk the talk or walk the walk, or who no longer believes DJT's truths.

3. Isolation. Cults often isolate members from outside influences, including family and friends, to maintain control.

This is where DJT needs a little help from two partners--the right-wing news networks such as Fox News and similar online counterparts, and the GOP propaganda machine. DJT and the Republican party prop one another up. And, in my view, DJT is now the spokesperson, the mouthpiece, if you will, for the GOP. There are people who spend their days and nights watching only Fox News or looking at online right-wing media sites. It is literally their life and fills most of their time. Many are isolated from family and friends.

4. Mind Control Techniques. Practices like meditation, chanting, and sleep deprivation are used to suppress doubts and reinforce group ideology.

Remember DJT's political rallies when Hillary Clinton was and is still in his mind? What did people chant? "Lock her up." I think his rallies still incorporate that chant. DJT still talks about having her arrested, doesn't he?

Chanting slogans and energizing your base is a part of all political rallies, and isn't necessarily a bad thing. I see DJT's use of some of that as a reminder to his base that they must absolutely dislike or hate who he dislikes or hates. They must be united.

As for sleep deprivation, if you're watching Fox News 24/7, how can you be otherwise?

5. Us-vs-Them Mentality. Cults foster a sense of superiority over outsiders, creating conflict with wider society.

DJT's way is "my way or the highway." If you've ever had a political conversation with a Trump supporter, you understand that mindset. Many DJT supporters and Republicans, today, seem incapable of discussing any ideology that is not DJT or GOP sustained. They often become angry if you try to rationally point out his lies or apply any type of common sense approach to their exclusionary views and tactics.

What I have expressed here is a simplistic approach as to why I believe DJT followers are members of a cult rather than a viable political party. What is both sad and scary to me, is that there seems to be no separation between DJT and the GOP, any longer. The GOP, in my view, is infected with the poison that DJT spews, and I'm unsure if it will or can ever escape the snare. 

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